Biltmore Crossing Enterprise Green Communities Consulting

Biltmore Crossing involved the construction of seven two-story buildings for a total of 56 units. Thirty-four units are set aside for very low-income families; 15 are set aside for low-income families; seven are market rate; and four are fully accessible to the mobility impaired or hearing and visually impaired individuals. The $7.3 million project received funding through NYS Homes & Community Renewal as well as NYSERDA incentives.

The project was completed through the NYSERDA Low-Rise Residential New Construction Program. C.J. Brown Energy was the Program Partner-Rater and provided design guidance, building energy modeling, and installation verification and testing services. The project was designed and constructed in accordance with the Enterprise Green Communities and NYS HCR guidelines. The project was required to be EGC compliant but was not required to be certified.

Our EGC consulting services included participating in the design charrettes and assisting the A/E team in developing the green building plan, which included all mandatory 2011 EGC criteria and the selected optional points. We performed inspections that included foundations, framing, HVAC systems, air sealing and insulation.  We also conducted final site performance testing using such methods as blower door testing, independent duct tests, infrared scans, room pressure balancing, combustion analysis, ventilation flow testing, and combustion appliance zone testing. All of the units received a “5 Stars Plus“ Home Energy Rating Certificate and met or exceeded ENERGY STAR Version 3 requirements.