Buffalo Public Schools Energy Studies
The Buffalo Public Schools Program was a decade-long, district wide, multi-phase school reconstruction effort involving more than 45 preK-12 schools in the City of Buffalo and nearly $1.4 billion in capital improvements. The project included a multi-phase performance contract with Johnson Controls to improve the schools’ energy efficiency level and student and staff safety while addressing deferred maintenance. The 20-year performance contract, which involved 65 facilities, was designed to generate $71 million in energy and operational savings over the duration of the contract, as the result of a broad range of improvements.
As a subconsultant to Johnson Controls, C.J. Brown Energy performed preliminary energy conservation opportunity assessments and detailed energy conservation audits of over 55 schools totaling
almost 7 million sf of space to document the existing systems/conditions and to identify potential energy conservation measures. For each school we provided an energy conservation savings summary, ECM recommendations, calculations, and preliminary design and load criteria for contractor pricing.
Our team also provided project management, design, NYSED submission and coordination with SHPO to implement energy conservation and facility improvement measures at EPC Phase 4 and 5 “reconstruction:” and “non-reconstruction” schools.