City of East Cleveland Energy Audit

C.J. Brown Energy was selected by the City of East Cleveland to perform an ASHRAE Level 2 energy audit of 12 buildings owned or leased by the City and totaling 128,363 sf. We completed the project as a Qualified Energy Auditor under the Cuyahoga County Municipal Energy Program that was funded by U.S. Department of Energy.

Electricity and natural gas use was analyzed and allocated to end uses in each building. Each building was compared to an appropriate benchmark to establish the extent to which the energy use exceeded typical energy use levels. Finally, calculations were performed to quantify the energy savings that would be achieved by implementing various energy conservation measures (ECMs) identified during the site visits.

Energy savings were presented on a building-by-building basis and also by the type of ECM. Two of the most effective strategies to reduce energy use and cost would be to install temperature controls and to improve lighting efficiency. Together, these two groups of measures accounted for almost 75% of the calculated energy savings. In total, the ECMs recommended had the potential to reduce electricity use by 35% and natural gas use by 37% overall.