Erie County Energy Performance Contract Consulting

As part of the energy cost reduction and conservation plan services provided to Erie County, C.J. Brown Energy performed a preliminary energy analysis of County facilities to identify potential energy conservation measures that should be looked at on a detailed basis and provided recommendations regarding the inclusion of projects in energy performance contracts. We subsequently provided comprehensive technical review and implementation assistance for the Energy Performance Contracts for the following facilities and energy conservation measures:

  • Edward A. Rath County Office Building: Energy management system upgrades, variable speed drives on multiple pumps and fans, high efficiency motors and chiller replacement
  • Buffalo & Erie County Public Library Central Branch: Lighting retrofits, variable speed drives for hot water pumps and cooling tower fans, high efficiency motors for the HVAC system, and conversion from a constant air volume ventilation system to a VAV system
  • Buffalo & Erie County Botanical Gardens: Boiler system replacement, new energy management system, automated system to control operable glass sections, and a lighting retrofit
  • Sheriff’s Department Facilities: Lighting retrofits, variable speed drives, energy efficient motors, energy management systems, and kitchen equipment fuel conversion

Total annual energy cost savings were estimated at $1.6 million.